Tag Archives: Murder/horror

Bradley Convissar Author- BLOOD, SMOKE, AND ASHES


by Bradley Convissar

Blood, Smoke and Ashes by Bradley Convissar

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    Blood, Smoke and Ashes combines the fast-paced nature of a traditional thriller with a complex human element found in traditional horror stories. It is a supernatural thriller/horror, a hybrid tale that blends genres and appeals to readers of both thrillers and dark fiction. It never gets bogged down with too much history, but enough backstory is presented to allow the reader to truly understand the characters and their motives.

    It is a character driven story, and while it is a supernatural tale, at its heart it is a story about the human spirit and the human condition: what drives us, what breaks us, what defines us. As FBI agent Jack Shaw discovers at the end of the book, not every monster is created equal, good and evil is not as black and white as he has always believed and not everything that is broken can be put back together.

    Book Reviews:

    “This book is a little bit of horror/murder. Very good. Loved the characters and the story-line was great. Quite fast paced and exciting especially the end. I would love to see a sequel all the hints are there. Well done to Mr. Convissar. If you are a lover of murder/horror this would be right up your street. Highly recommended.” Helen Lancaster, Amazon review

    “Captures you from the beginning! One of those books that you start reading, think maybe it will be too horrific for you, but stay pulled in and then you cannot put it down. Within moments you realize it is not what you thought at all, but a far better read! Believable characters, you feel what they feel! Open this book when you plan to sit for a while, because you will not want to put it down… ‘Alice Weissmann, Amazon review

    “… I like stories where the lines between good and evil are blurred, where the monsters aren’t necessarily monsters, where there is empathy for the bad guys. Where you are emotionally dragged through the gutter and don;t know exactly what you have experienced when it is over. This is that type of book, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It isn’t about mysteries or surprises. It is about experiencing the trauma and tragedy of the characters along with them and wondering what you would do.” Stevem Ames, Amazon review

    Taken from the


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